3 Ways To Prepare Your Business for a Disaster
10/30/2019 (Permalink)

3 Ways To Prepare Your Business for a Disaster
Natural or man-made disasters can have a devastating impact on your business. However, you can reduce the potential impact of any disaster by having a disaster preparedness plan in place before a disaster occurs. Three ways you can prepare your business for a disaster are:
1. Know your risk. Start by determining what types of disasters are most likely to occur given your type of business and location in Guthrie, KY. If your business is located near a river, flood damage may be a concern. If you’re located on a coastline, storm damage could be a problem. If your business handles dangerous materials, you may want to plan for what to do in the event of an industrial accident.
2. Minimize your downtime. Draft a business preparedness plan. Include which employees, equipment, inventory, supplies, services and other materials you must have to continue operations. Consider establishing off-site resources, such as computer backup services, temporary office space, disaster recovery services and storage facilities. If your business has more than one location, it may also be helpful to establish disaster preparedness procedures for transferring operations to one of your unaffected locations.
3. Prepare Your Employees. Make sure your employees know what to do in the event of a disaster. Consider setting up resources, such as an off-site phone line or private webpage where your employees can get information or let you know what their status is. Meet with your employees to determine any special needs they may have, such as vital medications, childcare, medical equipment or assistance with disabilities. Keep a store of emergency supplies, such as potable water, shelf-stable food, blankets, flashlights and other necessities. Assist your employees in preparing their disaster kits.
The better prepared your business is for a disaster, the less disastrous it is likely to be. Incorporating these three tips into your disaster preparedness plan may help you successfully navigate the aftermath of a disaster.