3 Times To Perform Maintenance on Your Business’s Fire Sprinkler System
6/19/2018 (Permalink)

Protecting your Hopkinsville, KY, commercial building from damage is probably important to you, especially if you are a small business owner who cannot afford the financial impact a fire or flood might cause. There are several actions you can take to reduce the risk of these incidents, such as maintaining your building’s fire sprinkler system. Weekly, monthly and yearly sprinkler maintenance can prevent malfunctions that may cause serious water damage or fail to put out a fire.
1. Weekly
You can keep your building’s sprinkler system operating efficiently by checking each room at the start of the week. Ensure that boxes and other stored items are not stocked too high, as this can affect the sprinkler’s reach and may prevent it from putting out a fire. If you find yourself short on storage space, you may want to consider renting space in a nearby warehouse.
2. Monthly
At the start of each month, have your maintenance people clean the heads of your building’s fire sprinklers. This can be especially important if you own a restaurant or manufacturing business, where grease and grime can clog the heads and prevent the system from working as it should. Call in a fire damage and cleanup service for deep cleaning and for advice about how to keep your sprinklers functional.
3. Yearly
Having your building’s water lines inspected annually by a qualified plumber can prevent line breakage and other issues that may cause your sprinkler system to malfunction and cause flooding. An inspection may uncover problems such as leaks, weak water lines and old plumbing that causes poor water pressure. This kind of yearly sprinkler maintenance can prevent system failure that could be disastrous in case of a fire.
Protecting your Hopkinsville, KY, commercial property from fires and flooding means investing in proper planning. Performing fire sprinkler maintenance each week, month and year can reduce the risk of severe damage to your business. For more information, visit http://www.SERVPROchristiantoddlogansimpsoncounties.com/.